• Denise King

    Master Groomer & Teacher

    I feel her honesty and love

    Patrice Gerrior is one of the most gifted metaphysicians I have known.  I met her in the mid-1980s when she was a student in my adult dog grooming program. I quickly figured out dog grooming was not going to be her profession but she was where she was supposed to be.  After graduation we stayed in touch and became good friends.  She groomed dogs for a short time but realized she had many spiritual gifts and needed to concentrate on those, which she did brilliantly.  Over the years she has help me and others I know become more aware of why and how our pets and the people in our life are helping us fulfill some of our life lessons. When my very elderly dad would not pass Patrice advised me on what going on and why he was hanging on.  She gave me some spiritual tools to assist him on his transition.  I followed her advice and he peacefully passed within 24 hours.  Numerous times over the past 2 years her abilities to see deeply into the true meaning of world situations have eased my anxiety greatly and helped me embrace the truth, knowing it is all as it should be for the world and its beings to advance spiritually.  I recommend her to my friends, clients, and family members whenever they are “lost” and/or seeking answers to life’s challenges.  I feel her honesty and love of helping people and animals become their best, so refreshing and so needed in this time. I am so blessed to have her in my life and hope if you feel you need questions answered and/or advice with your life’s journey, contact Patrice.

Connect with Your Pet and Yourself Through Patrice Gerrior's Intuitive Guidance

Unlock Your Intuitive Journey

Ready to deepen your bond with your pet or find clarity in life's transitions? Patrice Gerrior's pet psychic readings and end-of-life doula services that offer compassionate support and transformative insights. Take the first step towards understanding and healing today.